Pursuing the Knowledge of Wellbeing- event Friday 29 October 2010 Auckland

 Psychiatric Survivors Inc., the New Zealand Healing Association Inc, GROW,and the Patients Rights Advocacy Waikato organize:
 Pursuing the Knowledge of Wellbeing


Friday 29th October 2010 9.00 am to 4.30 pm 

Auckland Horticultural Centre, 990 Great North Rd, Western Springs

All are welcome, you can see registration details on the attached form.Looks to be a interesting day including the following:


Generation Rx (Miller K, 2009)A 80 minute film about millions of children who have been effectively forced onto pharmaceutical drugs for commercial rather than scientific reasons, withthe risk of devastating consequences.

Community Action on Suicide Prevention, Education & Research.Maria Bradshaw whose 17 year old son Toran committed suicide 15 days after being prescribed fluoxetine will present research data showing a causal link between psychiatric treatment and suicide and evidence that effective suicide prevention requires a social rather than medical approach.
Mental Wealth, Julian McCusker-Dixon .A Philosophy, an insight, and Welcome In 


Living Matrix (directed by Susan Berker, 2009) 100 minutes of exciting individual stories of the inherent capacities of body and mind to heal themselves if allowed and supported to do so. Quantum physics and energy psychology in action confirms thousands of years of observations of ancient healing.

Who Matters Most in Mental Illness? Gary De Forest. Different sides of the same story, aiming for mutually assured survival in the mental health system
 How We Know What We Know About Mental Illness,  Prof Borislav Dacic.If the body is biological and genetic, is mental illness a brain disease or biological and genetic failure in other body systems? Are the mind, soul and spirit important facets of what we believe are mental illnesses? Is the long term drug treatment an efficient and safe treatment in Mental Health? What are the side or direct effects of drugs? Like Minds like Mine or Mind Freedom? We need to talk on these mounting controversies in Mental Health and allow dialogue of different understanding and knowledge in order to get real on mental illness.

More information on 021-206 8759 and on (09) 846-9945 Cost is $40 waged $20 unwaged.